Sunday, June 24, 2012


softening the rough edges, smooth stones we become
no extremes or crevices or controversy, just tolerating
for a supposed peace and acceptance,
but at what cost

how do we know when to stop
where is the edge
finding ourselves on top of the fence, balancing
escape to both green sides as needed
justifying, legitimizing the gray

scoffing at the obtuse, the squares
who see the world in black and white
mocking the ones who hold true and refuse to mold
broken pots may be reshaped
but slow erosion holds no future

when did we start satisfying for mediocre
so we don't stand out like a sore thumb
a crack to be tripped on
a dark thread in a lovely quilt
at once demanding independence, we seek conformity

who will draw the lines
learn that peace is accomplished through love
do not compromise values
mimic the dalai lama
valuing stability of mind and inner strength above all

write in ink, with care of thought
express without fear and with confidence
but pencils we prefer
to erase mistakes and errors
no accountability, nothing branded

our tattoos are removable
vows interchangeable
swimming in luke warm muck, with maybes
everything is up for grabs, subject to change
in search of equality

we sell our souls
but only in part, whole requires more
bits and pieces are bartered, traded
no returns available for these gifts
justified by love or selfish desire

values are gathered and sold in thrift stores
on racks next to torn jeans and discarded shirts
no financial benefits
disillusioned attempts to unite
settling for used and second rate

no more excuses
run the distance, the full length
to the best of your abilities and resources
do not stop short or alter course
the pain will heal and strengthen

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