Such is an every day example of the disruption that may occur from Person centered actions. If instead we choose to operate as a Member, traffic continues to flow easily without disruption.. with all persons reaching their destination in quicker (and likely more relaxed) time. However, there's a Person need that takes precedent all too often... the desire to be first in line, the urge to get the best helping, the search for promotion and credit, even the need to have our feelings and needs and wants recognized as all important. Of course, not many activities sought as a Person are negative.. seeking professional and educational growth is commendable, receiving awards and reaching intended destinations quickly demonstrates efficiency... none are bad. In fact, they should be encouraged. But, with balance and awareness.
If we choose to operate as a Member, we are forced to be aware of our impact on other people. As a drop of water creates a ripple or a slight touch juggles the mobile, the intricate systems comprising our lives are affected by each movement made. It's arrogant, and perhaps ignorant, to believe any different. Of course, one can choose to intentionally not be concerned about the surrounding systems... no law suggests that it is required to live a healthy and successful life. At times, it's likely a necessary option.
But to make it a practice, one must ask what are the costs of continual person centered actions. To reach the personal goals set for ourselves, who is injured in the process... what potential greatness is missed...
And on the contrary, what opportunities and greatness is not reached by choosing to operate as a member...
Person vs Member arguments seem the most plaguing in my mind. I believe so strongly in the person hood of people, the right and need to express oneself... to follow dreams and passions without abandon, to seek the stars and develop skills that provide opportunities, knowledge, and freedom. But equally competing, is a deep founded belief in the membership of fellow humans.. the strength, awareness, and humility it takes to intentionally choose member action.. to embrace a bit of patience and quiet the tongue.
I once believed that acting as a member meant that true person hood was not sought or achieved... or that a member was somehow weak and hidden. But, I've found that leadership and development and strength arises from members as well, even more so than person actions.
Strength in numbers versus survival of the fittest... perhaps there's not a clear answer on which is the best path. But, it's at least worth the consideration. One may survive and be fit.. but alone. Numbers may allow existence through strength... but individuals are weak. Perhaps the one fit will rule the weak numbers. Or the weak numbers will rise against the one fit.
... a woman told me today something along the lines of, "ya know.. you people don't really stop and think about the wholeness of a person - our mind, body, and spirit - you just see what you want to see.. and then push and boss. You don't create a safe place.." In the context of this conversation, "you people" referenced all white-people-who-talk-about-the-health-concern-of-this-woman's-horrifically-infected-leg-ulcer-then-react-with-mental-health-hospitalization-because-of-her-absolute-refusal-to-care-for-the-leg-because-a-microchip-in-all-our-ears-won't-allow-it.... but, nonetheless, point taken.
How often do we, as humans, really don't take the time to see the complete systematic impact of our actions. Or maybe we do consider carefully and choose that path regardless. There's a definite time and place for action to be taken as a person. But it ought to be sought in the spirit of overall growth and enlightenment.
A wonderful friend of mine recently said, "a more supportive environment is landed, partly because you've learned to step away.. you're less stressed so the environment around you has become more peaceful to suite the inner you." Although I'd prefer to chalk it up to difference in supervisors and agencies, rather than to consider the personal impact.. I find the latter too prominent to ignore. How it relates to person vs member.... I cannot clearly outline tonight with my tired mind, but the two connect in the recent journeys of my life.
And where lies the guide to determine the best path, person or member, at a given moment in our lives.. I'll leave that to wiser ones to muddle through.
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